Forty-two students were inducted into the Kewanee High School National Honor Society on Wednesday, April 5, 2023, in Brockman Gymnasium. A dinner was held in their honor from KCUSD 229 Food Service with desserts from the Ebert Family Farm. Inductees are required to have a 3.5 GPA and at least 10 hours of community service to be considered for membership. The guest speaker was past graduate Mrs. Becca (Davis) Kinzer from the class of 2000. Mrs. Kinzer spoke to the members, inductees, and their guests on how they need to "just keep showing up." She encouraged the students, saying that if they are uncertain about life after high school, just keep showing up. Her life experiences have taught her that people who are willing to show up and learn, whether in college, a new job, or in a new career, will find success. Her message to "keep showing up until you know what you're doing" resonated with the students and adults alike. Mrs. Kinzer is a critical care nurse in Springfield and is a published author of her new book Dear Henry, Love Edith.
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